The one activity I really like to do while drinking beer is barbecuing, and for a long time I've questioned if it's actually physically possible to barbecue without drinking beer, but so far I haven't found any willing subjects to test this theory. The reasons behind why I like barbecuing so much is probably because it connects with the cave man inside of me. Fire! Meat! Beer! Ugh! So today we had a very sunny afternoon, so I decided to put some Whisky injected Chateaubriand on the grill.
Food junkies only. |
So this might be a good oppurtunity to mention that I like to experiment with food as well. My barbecued sallad was a hit due to it really soaks up the smoke flavour, while my Tabasco injected meat was perhaps a tad bit too strong. But Whisky injected steaks works rather well, adding a subtle flavour to the meat.
Oak smoke. |
Add to that some mushrooms, pak choi, tomatoes and chili, that made up a nice afternoon meal. Life's hard.
Actually. The vegetables really soaked up way too much smoke, making them more or less too bitter to eat. The meat turned out absolutely fantastic, flavourful and perfectly cooked. So I might have to get a separate grill for those courses that needs less amount of smoke...
The one activity I really like to do while drinking beer is barbecuing, and for a long time I've questioned if it's actually physically possible to barbecue without drinking beer. Merlot